Tom Butler, Acumen Accounting, Inc.
There are thousands out there who promise a flashy web site,
flawless search engine optimization, and a perfect life.
Problem is, the truth is not in most of these people.
Then along comes Huberspace. Unlike the thousands of others, you
actually know what you are talking about. Good web sites are not
about how many annoying bells and whistles you can cram onto each
page. Instead, they should be usable tools to educate, attract, and
sell potential clients. It is so refreshing to hear that from
someone who truly gets it.
Jim, I have known you for many years, and I continue to be amazed
at your knowledge, skills, and insights. Particularly in a time
where new things develop on seemingly an hourly basis, you know the
latest technologies, what works, and what is garbage.
Congratulations on creating a business where people can confidently
go to get the real and reliable story on how to build a web